August 7, 2024 in General

How to Keep Raccoons Out of Your Property in Toronto

Raccoons can be a significant nuisance, particularly in urban areas like Toronto. These clever critters are notorious for rummaging through garbage, damaging property, and sometimes spreading diseases. Keeping raccoons out of your property requires a combination of preventive measures and smart practices. Here’s a detailed guide on how to protect your home from raccoon invasions.

1. Secure Your Trash

One of the main attractions for raccoons is easily accessible garbage. To prevent raccoons from turning your trash cans into a buffet:

  • Use raccoon-proof trash cans: Opt for cans with tight-fitting lids or lockable covers.
  • Store trash indoors until collection day: If possible, keep garbage in a secure area like a garage or shed.
  • Double-bag food waste: Reduce odors by double-bagging food waste or using odor-reducing trash bags.

2. Eliminate Food Sources

Raccoons are opportunistic feeders. By removing food sources around your property, you make it less attractive to them.

  • Feed pets indoors: If you feed your pets outside, bring the food and water dishes indoors at night.
  • Clean up fallen fruits and nuts: Regularly check for and remove any fallen fruits or nuts from trees in your yard.
  • Secure compost bins: Use raccoon-proof compost bins and avoid composting meat, fish, or dairy products.

3. Secure Entry Points

Raccoons are excellent climbers and can squeeze through surprisingly small openings. Inspect your property for potential entry points and secure them.

  • Check for gaps and holes: Inspect your roof, eaves, vents, and foundation for gaps or holes and seal them with durable materials like metal mesh.
  • Install chimney caps: Use sturdy caps to prevent raccoons from entering your chimney.
  • Screen vents: Ensure all vents are covered with screens to block raccoon access.

4. Maintain Your Yard

A well-maintained yard is less appealing to raccoons looking for shelter.

  • Trim tree branches: Keep tree branches at least 10 feet away from your roof to prevent raccoons from accessing it.
  • Remove debris: Clear away any brush piles, logs, or debris where raccoons might hide.
  • Secure attics and sheds: Ensure that sheds, attics, and other outbuildings are securely closed.

5. Use Deterrents

There are several effective raccoon deterrents you can use around your property.

  • Motion-activated lights and sprinklers: These can startle and deter raccoons from approaching.
  • Ultrasonic devices: These emit sounds that are unpleasant for raccoons but inaudible to humans.
  • Natural repellents: Sprinkle substances like cayenne pepper, ammonia-soaked rags, or commercial raccoon repellents around potential entry points.

6. Professional Help

If raccoon problems persist despite your best efforts, consider seeking professional assistance.

  • Wildlife control experts: Professionals can safely and humanely remove raccoons from your property.
  • Pest control services: Some pest control companies offer services specifically for raccoon prevention and removal.

7. Legal Considerations in Toronto

It’s important to be aware of the legal aspects of dealing with raccoons in Toronto.

  • Humane removal: Toronto bylaws require that any captured raccoons be released within 1 km of where they were trapped.
  • Prohibited actions: It’s illegal to harm raccoons or use certain types of traps. Always follow local wildlife protection regulations.

By following these steps, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of raccoon invasions and keep your property secure. Consistency and vigilance are key—regularly inspect and maintain your property to ensure it remains raccoon-free.