Real Estate Agent’s Corner

Everything you need to bring exceptional value to your clients

Serving Agents in the GTA Since 1978

After more than 4 decades and over 200,000 inspections completed, we understand what real estate agents are looking for. That’s why we’ll support you and your clients with the best tools and services available.

We understand our role in the real estate transaction and appreciate you trusting us with your clients. Our goal is to take great care of them for you. That’s why we provide a free 120-day warranty for your clients.

We know when you need us, it is often on short notice. That’s why we are open 7 days a week, and you can book online 24/7, 365 days a year.

Value for Real Estate Agents

  • Extended office hours — 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday
  • A professional inspector —  experienced and competent, but non-alarmist
  • Choose the best fit — you can choose to work with any one of our 16 inspectors
  • A comprehensive inspection — a balanced perspective, plus your client can attend the inspection
  • Full-colour inspection reports — easy-to-read and understand with illustrations and photos
  • Ballpark costs — so clients understand what’s involved and can move forward quickly
  • Free support — we will stand behind our work and support your client for as long as they own the home
  • RecallChek report — free report for appliance safety recalls ($30 value)
  • The Home Reference eBook — clients get a free copy of our “encyclopedia of homes” ($49 value)
  • Discounts and perks clients get exclusive access to discounts and perks

PLUS, you also get one-stop shopping for other services

  • Specialty services — including a Healthy Home Package (mould and asbestos inspection), and inspections for indoor air quality, sewers, thermal imaging, wood burning appliances, wells and septic tanks

More Resources for Agents

Add great inspection content to your website — free

We offer 30 Do-it-yourself videos. Each one is 30–60 seconds and gives practical hands-on advice for homeowners. They are free to put on your website. Use as many as you like.

Call us at 800-268-7070 extension 230 to get set up

Go to do-it-yourself videos

Solutions for the tough issues

We are in the solution business, not the problem business. We provide lots of useful information that resolves issues of all kinds. Feel free to put these articles on your website and/or share them with clients, in print or electronically.

Stay Connected

Office presentations

Need valuable information, not a sales pitch? We provide quality information, professionally delivered.

Contact Michael de Guzman, Manager of Client Care, at 416-964-9415 extension 276 or