Texas Home Inspector Licensing Requirements

Does the state of Texas require licensing of home inspectors?

Texas has had licensing since approximately 1980. They were one of the first states to license home inspectors and have been through many iterations. Texas home inspection licensing is managed by the Texas Real Estate Commission.

There are three classifications:

  • Apprentice Inspector – entry-level license, trains under a Professional Real Estate Inspector.
  • Real Estate Inspector – intermediate license: when Apprentice Inspectors meet experience and education requirements (typically 90 hours) and pass an exam, they can become Real Estate Inspectors. People at this level also work under the indirect supervision of a Professional Real Estate Inspector.
  • Professional Real Estate Inspector – highest level license; real estate inspectors become Professional Real Estate Inspectors when they meet certain education (typically 130 hours) and experience requirements and pass an exam.

There are alternative ways to move through the process with experience sometimes being a substitute for the typical path.

Texas is the only state that has standard inspection report forms that home inspectors must use. Texas also has the most sophisticated and complex licensing criteria.

High school diploma required?

Educational requirements:
328 hours, with optional alternatives

Recommended education:
State approved schools.

Recommended advanced education:
Carson Dunlop Home Inspection Training Program.

Examination required:
National Home Inspector Examination plus a State exam.

Insurance required?
$100,000 of General Liability insurance.

Continuing education required?
32 hours every two years.

Experience required?
There are options.